Pancakes & PJs

CEC Wormhole 605 Lurleen B Wallace Blvd N, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

Children are invited to wear pajamas to church Sunday, November 17th! Come to the Wormhole from 10-10:45 am to celebrate a wonderful end to Sunday School classes. Club 345 will help serve pancakes and we will have Veggie Tales on the big screen for K3-5th.

Animal Parish Meeting

CEC Preschool 605 Lurleen B Wallace Blvd N, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

While the adults gather for the Annual Parish Meeting in Randall Hall, Christ's Kids are invited to bring a stuffed animal to the Animal Parish Meeting in the Preschool area!

Blessing of the Toys

CEC Nave 605 Lurleen B Wallace Blvd N, Tuscaloosa, AL, United States

We will only have 7:30 AM and 10 AM services on this Sunday. You are welcome to attend the 10 AM service in your PJs and have your child bring a new toy to be blessed. A wonderful way to practice gratitude and acknowledge God’s gifts to us in this season.