Are you new or visiting? View our frequently asked questions below.

Frequently Asked Questions

We are thrilled you are considering joining us for one of our Sunday services! All are welcome at our church!. We hope it helps you decide which service you would like to attend. If you are so inclined, please fill out a visitor card, so we can get to know you better & answer any questions you may have!  We want you to feel at home when you are at Christ Church. We have a little bit of everything here, and we think you’ll fit right in. If you ever have questions or need more information, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Here are some questions you may have as you are preparing to visit. 


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Frequently Asked Questions

We want to welcome you to Christ Church! We are thrilled you are considering joining us for one of our Sunday services! All are welcome at our church! Between August until May, we offer three Eucharist services on Sunday: 7:30am Rite I, 9am Rite II, & 11am Rite II services. June and July we offer the 7:30am Rite I and a 10am Rite II service. Below are some frequently asked questions about our congregation and our services. We hope it helps you decide which service you would like to attend. If you are so inclined, please fill out a visitor card, so we can get to know you better & answer any questions you may have!

7:30am Rite I service:  This service is attended by less people and will be a shorter service with no choir and very little music.

9am Rite II Service: This is a child friendly service with lots of young families attending. We have a portion of our choir singing and sometimes the children’s choir sings. We also encourage our children to come to the front for a “Children’s minute” during the service as well. A Children’s Liturgy is offered monthly at this service. The kids who would like to participate in our worship service are included as acolytes, choir, readers or help with Holy Eucharist.

11am Rite II Service: Our full choir sings throughout this Eucharist service. This service has a “High” church, formal feel & will have fewer children in attendance. If you love beautiful music, this is the one for you!

We do our best to respect your time, but also know how important worship service and fellowship is to everyone’s well-being. Each service will last approximately 45 to 75 minutes for the most part. The 9am service is more “kid” friendly, so it is usually a little shorter than the 11am service which sometimes is a little over an hour depending on attendance & Eucharist. The 7:30am service is shorter as less people attend and communion is a little quicker.



You will find a wide range of attire in our church services–everything from jeans to suits. Many men will have on pants and a collared shirt/polo (some will have on jackets and/or suits). Many women will have on casual dress or slacks with a blouse. Wear whatever you would like and makes you feel comfortable. All are welcome!

The 9am and 11am services provide childcare in our nursery across from Randall Hall. Childcare is also available during our 10 am formation hour to parents who would like to attend a class. During the summer worship schedule, childcare is offered from 9 am until 11:15 am. Signs are available to guide you to the nursery as well as greeters to help you. All our caregivers are trained and have had a background check. Some of our caregivers are teachers at our preschool.

Our church service may be a little different than other church services you have attended, but following along in the bulletin makes it a lot easier. We print bulletins for all of our worship services. You can also find our worship services in the Book of Common Prayer which is the red book available in every pew. Hymns are in the blue book in the pew as well, but most songs are printed in the bulletin. We stand to sing, kneel to pray and sit to listen to our weekly bible readings and sermon given by one of our clergy. Any parishioner would be happy to help you if you have any questions. We have many members who have come from another Christian denomination and learned about our service just as you are. Also, we walk to the front of the church for Holy Eucharist every Sunday and all baptized Christians are welcome to take the bread and wine which represent Jesus’ body and blood when he died for our sins on the cross.

Contact our Director of Formation, Kathleen Franklin at [email protected] for more information on how we are connecting with students at Christ Church.

We are a vibrant parish with people of all generations. We currently host two events a year that are specifically for our young families and young adults to build community. For more information on these events, contact Kathleen Franklin at [email protected] for more information and to connect with other young adults and young families.

We also offer a Sunday morning formation class called “All the Things” that covers topics relevant to people in this stage of life. It is a great way to build relationships with others going through similar experiences. This class is held on the second floor of the building and is open to all who are interested.

Visitor Form

If you are looking for a church home, it is our hope that you will consider our parish as you make your decision. If you would like more information on our church, please complete the form below. 

Visitor Form

If you are looking for a church home, it is our hope that you will consider our parish as you make your decision. If you would like more information on our church, please complete the form below.