
Christ Episcopal Church has a longstanding tradition of outstanding music programs for all ages.

Music at Christ Church

Over the last twelve plus years, the music program has been led by Director of Music Doff Procter, Assistant Music Director Laurel Procter, and most recently added to the staff, Assistant Music Director and Organist Dr. Steven Taranto. As of fall 2023, we have three choirs at Christ Church, plus the Alabama Choir School, a non-profit, after-school choral music program including four other choirs with young musicians from grades 1-12 that is unrivaled in the southeast.

Choral music training begins with our Children’s Music and Fun Time for boys and girls ages three through fifth grade. This choir typically sings for our once monthly Children’s Liturgy services, and also for special services during Christmas and Easter.

From time to time, we have also enjoyed our Celebration Ringers, a multi-generational handbell choir that will ring off and on throughout the year and for special services, but they are taking a break right now. We do possess a beautiful, two-octave, set of German bells, however!

The choral program culminates with our excellent Adult Choir, one of the most outstanding in the Diocese. The Adult Choir is open to singers of later high school age and older who can read music.

The Adult Choir is comprised of both church member volunteers but also paid student and faculty section leaders/soloists and professionals from the University of Alabama and the community. They sing Sundays at the 11 AM Eucharist and also for Evensongs, Advent Lessons & Carols, Christmas, Holy Week, Easter, weddings, funerals, and other special services.

Christ Church is extraordinarily blessed to have a brand-new pipe organ built by the Canadian firm, Orgues Létourneau of Montreal. It was installed in January of 2018, with a dedication service of evensong on April 15, 2018. The organ is a 38-rank instrument with three manuals and a pedal.

Currently, three divisions (great, swell, and choir) with pedal are housed in the Chancel, plus a new 5- rank antiphonal division placed in the rear of the Nave. It is a beautiful instrument both in craftsmanship and tone, and is very versatile in enhancing the many facets of music ministry at Christ Church. The organ serves primarily as an instrument to accompany weekly worship services, but equally as well for special music and worship events (choral evensong and other seasonal worship), solo organ recitals, and for organ instruction.

We enjoy hosting outside concerts in the nave, in Randall Hall, and in our large Music Hall. They might be University of Alabama students and/or faculty giving recitals, or even outside guest artists from all genres brought in by our “Christ Church Presents” concert series.

The Alabama Choir School is a non-profit outreach ministry housed at Christ Church that now encompasses approximately 120 singers after its humble beginnings as the Tuscaloosa Boychoir, beginning with seventeen brave young boys back in 1985. This after-school, tuition-based, community music organization focuses on choral music education and consists of four choirs for children in grades one through twelve, meeting Tuesday through Thursday afternoons each week during the school year. Their two most advanced choirs have performed all over the world over the last three decades: Europe, Asia, and all over the Americas. Please visit for more information.

Adult Choir

The adult choir rehearses Wednesdays from 7-8:30 PM from the beginning of August through the end of May, conducted by Mr. Procter and accompanied by Dr. Steven Taranto. Basic music-reading skills are requested; the adult choir is comprised of both church member volunteers, but also faculty, students, and professionals from the University of Alabama and surrounding community. They sing Sundays for the 11 AM Holy Eucharist, and also sing for Evensongs, Advent Lessons & Carols, Christmas, during Holy Week, Easter, weddings, funerals, and other special services.

Adult Choir Members

Karri Alexander, Hailey Beard, Mary Beth Cavert, Cade Cook, Alice DeSimone, Sophia Dornellas, Kelly Fitts, Weston Hargrave, Jack Heeney, Ken Hinton, Philip McCown, Katherine McVinnie, Catherine Mercatante, Ryan Montgomery, Carson Moritz, John Murdock, Maria Jo Phelps, Judy Ransom, Claire Tisdal, Ben Wegrzynowski, Charlotte Wegrzynowski, Sam Wegrzynowski, Susan Williams, Alexander Wilson, and Hilen Wilson

Children's Music &
Fun Time

Comprised of three-year-olds through fifth-grade boys and girls, these children sing for our Children’s Liturgy services, typically the first Sunday of each month during the school year at 9 AM, and for special Christmas and Easter services. This choir, taught by Mr. and Mrs. Procter, rehearses for a few minutes each Sunday, between the 9 AM Eucharist and their children’s formation classes. Choir schedules subject to change. Contact Doff Procter, Music Director, about the current schedule.

Doff Procter, Music Director

Laurel Procter, Assistant Music Director

Steven Taranto, Organist and Assistant Music Director

Alabama Choir School

The Alabama Choir School is a non-profit, outreach ministry housed at Christ Church, that now encompasses approximately 120 singers after its humble beginnings as the Tuscaloosa Boychoir, beginning with seventeen brave young boys back in 1985. This after-school, tuition-based, community music organization focuses on choral music education and consists of four choirs for children in grades one through twelve, meeting Tuesday through Thursday  afternoons each week during the school year. Their two most advanced choirs  have performed all over the world over the last three decades: Europe, Asia, and  all over the Americas. 

Please visit for more information. 

Leah Durham, Artistic Director, Conductor

Sarah Vander Wal, Executive Director, Artist-In-Residence

Dr. Julie Bannerman, Conductor 

Steven Taranto, Collaborative Pianist